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9:30 — 14:30

2024 不能不知的
最新 5 大英語教學趨勢






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Session 1


Transformative Teaching: Integrating Global Citizenship Education in Your English Classroom

  • What is GCE and why it comes to the spotlight

  • Dream big, start small: 3 secrets to put GCE into your classrooms

  • 3 must-try activities to cultivate global citizenship

The session begins by unraveling the essence of GCE and the driving forces behind its current spotlight in education. Emphasizing a pragmatic approach, the workshop introduces three secrets to seamlessly incorporate GCE into English classrooms, encouraging educators to "dream big, start small." Participants will engage in hands-on learning through three must-try activities tailored to cultivate global citizenship among students. This session aims to empower English teachers with practical tools and strategies to infuse global perspectives into their lessons, fostering a more interconnected and culturally aware learning environment.


Blue Melia

South East Asia Teacher Trainer and Consultant, Macmillan Education


Session 2


Sophia Kim

ELT Education Consultant, E*Public


Empowering Young Learners to Speak Up in English

  • Why Should We Teach Speaking to Young Learners?

  • How Can We Teach Speaking to Prepare Young Learners for Better Oral Communication in the 21st century?

  • Harnessing the Power of AI to Enhance Young Learners’ Speaking Skills

Speaking perhaps is the most important skill to acquire in mastering a language. In the first part of this session, we will briefly talk about the issues educators and learners face when teaching and learning speaking and why speaking should be taught to young learners. In the second part of the session, we will focus on how educators can effectively teach speaking to develop students’ competence and confidence in oral communication. We will further discuss the topic by taking a look at specific speaking activities that utilize the 21st century skills (critical thinking, communication, creativity, collaboration) and incorporate the 4 language skills that promote well-balanced speaking abilities of young learners for the future. Lastly, we will end the session by discussing how a good balance of AI and peer-interaction speaking activities can provide educators and young leaners with a well-rounded speaking class.

Session 3



Utilizing CLIL Strategies to Effectively Motivate Students

  • Introduction to CLIL Strategies in the Classroom

  • Challenges and Solutions to Implementing CLIL

  • Practical Techniques for Student Engagement

Developed by David Marsh in the early 1990s, Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has achieved widespread global adoption. CLIL learning strategies offer a multitude of benefits to both students and teachers. However, the implementation might appear challenging to those unfamiliar with the foundational principles. In this presentation, I hope to provide insights and tips for effectively integrating CLIL into your classroom. Drawing on my experiences as both an educator and a mentor teacher, I will delve into practical techniques for assisting students in constructing context around the taught concepts. By incorporating these strategies, your classroom can foster enhanced communication and a dedicated focus on growth.


Harold A. Johnson

Academic Supervisor at Cat's Educational Group Nanjing Branch, Taiwan

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​​12:00 — 13:00

Session 4


Erin Koning

Education Consultant,  International Division, Savvas Learning 


Critical Comprehension: What the Science of Reading tells us about teaching students to read critically

  • Understand the definition of the science of reading and the research behind it

  • Discuss comprehension as one of the pillars of the science or reading

  • Experience explicit teaching and learning strategies founded in the science of reading

When teachers provide instruction founded in research, students are more able to develop as successful readers, writers & thinkers. While learning to read is a complicated practice of decoding print text & developing vocabulary, we know that the end goal is readers are able to comprehend complex text and articulate complex thinking in response to it. In this session, we’ll explore what the science of reading is, what it isn’t, and explicit strategies for teaching comprehension that support the development of critical thinkers.

Session 5

圖書館的 SDGs 閱讀行動方案

Take Action for the SDGs: How to create a better future?

  • 實踐 SDGs 從你我的生活日常出發

  • 來一趟五感走讀 閱讀素養力自動好

  • 打造多向正循環 堅持走在對的路上 

在 12 年國教以學生為學習主體、以閱讀為基礎的當前,重視動手做、跨領域、不侷限於知識層次的學習。在這場講座中,講師強調 SDGs 的實踐並非遙遠的目標,她將分享透過推動五感走讀課程,能落實新課綱精神外,亦有助 SDGs 的達成,並將聊聊她在陪伴學生閱讀的旅途上,許多值得教師借鏡的寶貴經驗。




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Blue Melia / South East Asia Teacher Trainer and Consultant, Macmillan Education

Having previously worked in TV and radio for BBC Sport, his desire to gain ‘life experience’ saw Blue endeavour into ELT teaching over 13 years ago. Since then, his ability to feel as comfortable performing the “Baby Shark” dance as teaching exam preparation material, has seen him gain management and training roles where he is always eager to pass on his tips, activities and methods to his fellow educators. Also a certified IELTS examiner, Blue’s forte is helping teachers fuel a learner’s passion of English through cultivating a fun and engaging classroom experience.

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​參加 Empower Day


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  • 回放影片播放時間:4/1-5/15

  • ​回放影片觀看平台:影片放置敦煌 Caves Websource Teachers (CWT) 平台,需登入敦煌會員方可觀看

  • 通知方式:本活動將以「Email」通知,請報名時務必確認資料正確性再行送出

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  • 開放觀看時間:4/1-5/15

  • 影片觀看方式:影片放置敦煌 Caves Websource Teachers (CWT) 平台,需登入敦煌會員方可觀看

  • 通知方式:本活動將以「Email」通知,請報名時務必確認資料正確性再行送出

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  • 證書發送時間:4/30 前寄發

  • 確實出席者主辦單位將以"Email"寄發至報名時填寫的電子郵件信箱

  • ​全程參與者,本活動核發 3.5 小時研習時數,於活動後提供。

  • 須完成線上報到&簽退,並提供正確的身分證字號

  • 課程代碼:4190349,可上全國教師進修網看資訊

  • 因本活動為收費活動,透過全國教師進修網報名者,需再由敦煌服務人員與您聯繫繳費事宜。因此建議您可直接在本網站報名繳費,活動當日再簽到與提供身分證字號即可。

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  • 大會活動將抽出多項超過千元好禮!

  • 中獎者須為當日在場之參加者

  • 中獎者若因資料提供不全,而致主辦單位無法執行後續事宜,主辦單位有權取消中獎資格

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  • 書展展期:3/16 - 4/15

  • ​線上書展提供眾多優惠,歡迎參加者上線逛逛!

​贈 2021-2022 精選教學主題錄播課程

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​課程時長:約 1 hr


  • 不可不知的文法教學

  • 初階文法這樣教更好玩

  • 進階文法這樣教才接地氣

  • 高階文法這樣教更給力

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​課程時長:約 1 hr


  • 當老師把「讀本」變「課本」……

  • 以閱讀為中⼼的兒美課程(原理篇)

  • 以閱讀為中⼼的兒美課程(實例篇)

  • 以閱讀為中⼼的兒美課程(評量篇)

  • 以品格教育為中⼼的兒美課程

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​課程時長:約 1 hr


  • 發音的要點與重要性

  • 幫助幼兒漂亮發音的關鍵

  • 兒童發音教學經典解密

  • 讓青少年道地發音的秘訣

  • 大專及成人的發音教學這樣做

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​課程時長:約 1 hr


  • 透過「 PDCA 專案式學習」教學模式完善跨領域學習

  • 多元評量的「語」「食」俱進,開展跨領域教學面向

  • 結合 108 課綱與 19 項議題教出閱讀素養力

  • 以「行動學習」和「差異化教學」為主軸協助學生多元使用英語

  • 「雙語自然.玩出音感」課程設計分享

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​課程時長:約 1 hr
Join Donatella, as she will show how reading and stories can help improve students' wellbeing and at the same time help fill the gap of lost learning as a result of the pandemic. Donatella will share practical ideas and activities to use at home or in class; whether during face to face, hybrid, or online lessons. This session will be relevant for teachers of students of all ages. Donatella will use examples from the Pearson English Graded Readers and the new Disney Kids Readers.
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​課程時長:30 min
John H. A. L. DE JONG is Professor Emeritus of Language Testing at VU University Amsterdam and runs a consultancy business ‘Language Testing Services’ to provide consultancy on language testing and educational measurement. In this presentation, John will share the results of research into selecting the most basic elements that will allow students to communicate. Also, he will discuss the central importance of these skills for effective communication and share examples of how these can be taught and tested.
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A:為避免您遺漏訊息,連結將於活動開始前 1-3 個工作天內寄出。



a. 您報名時填寫資料錯誤,或者您未提供相關資訊,以致於主辦單位無法確實將資訊送到您手中。

b. 信件不小心歸類到垃圾信件匣,或您曾經封鎖過敦煌寄出的資訊,請您前往「設定」中,准許主辦單位的來信,後續將可收到。

​若您有任何疑慮,歡迎撥打敦煌客服詢問 02-8792-5024


​A:回放影片將放置在敦煌Caves Websource Teachers (CWT)平台,此平台需登入會員帳號方可看到,並且將自動綁定為您報名時登入的會員帳號,作為匯入資料與影音的帳號。

> 若您是透過學校報名:請使用學校填寫報名資料時的敦煌會員登入,方可看到

> 若您是使用個人會員報名:請直接登入您個人的會員帳號,方可看到



  • 3/16 Empower Day only:3/10 截止

  • 3/19 Excel Day :3/9 截止

  • 3/23 Excel Day :3/13 截止

  • 3/26 Excel Day :3/16 截止

  • Empower Day+Excel Day兩日聯票:3/3 截止

    ​於各場次報名時間截止前,可至會員專區 ▶ 訂單資訊,自行取消報名。

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  • ​活動發票將於活動結束後 10 個工作天內開立,並以「郵局掛號」寄發至您報名時填寫的收件地址。

  • 活動使用 Zoom 視訊軟體進行,【電腦版與手機版】皆須事先下載 APP,請於活動開始前完成軟體安裝。

  • 為保障每位參加者的權益與避免佔位問題,直播活動不開放多台載具同時進入會議室,進入會議室前必定會先審核,若您有一台裝置已登入講座中,另一台裝置主辦單位將會拒絕您的進入請求。

  • ​活動中所露出之日期,凡無特定標註年份者,皆為 2024 年。

  • ​若參加者因報名訊息提供不全、使用免費信箱收信(免費信箱有機率造成信件歸類為垃圾郵件或無法收件),中間亦無告知主辦單位,主辦單位將無法協助退費、更改場次等事宜,請見諒。

  • 煌保有活動調整、變更、取消之權利

  • 報名者即同意無償授權主辦單位使用活動期間所拍攝報名者與其作品之照片、影片,並運用與刊登於主辦單位所發行之平面刊物、網站、臉書、電子報…等相關頁面

  • 活動中獎獎品不得拆換現金。如遇獎品缺貨或不可抗力之事由導致獎品內容變更,主辦單位有權變更獎品,改由等值商品取代之,得獎者不得要求折現或轉換其他商品,且主辦單位不負贈品之任何維護或保固責任

  • 本活動所有講座、課程內容,不分線上線下,均受智慧財產權保護,參加者均不得下載、重製、公開、傳輸、轉售、公開播放、分享或使用此些內容,若參加者一旦產生以上行為,需負侵權行為而生之法律責任

  • 本活動如有未盡事宜,敦煌保有活動調整、變更、修改之權利(包含講者、議程、活動形式等),活動資訊以敦煌活動網頁公告為準

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